
Wednesday 12 October 2016

Healthy Me!

This term we are looking at "Healthy Me", and all the ways we are healthy.

We started the week by talking about the word healthy and the things we think are healthy. We wrote all our ideas about how we are healthy down on some leaves which we have put on our class beanstalks on our topic wall.

We had some pretty cool ideas about how and why we are healthy, some people drew a fire because they keep warm, which keeps them healthy. Other people wrote down all the healthy sports they play, and others listed all the healthy foods they eat.

In the mornings we have been doing some "Cosmic Kids Yoga" (have a look on youtube), which has been challenging us all, but has been a lot of fun!

We've also been looking at our little garden plants and making sure they are healthy and growing well. We are investigating what a plant needs to stay healthy and on Friday we will be planting our class beans.

Yesterday we had a look at our bean seeds and worked out how they grow and in what order.

If you're up at school come and look at our little garden and all our healthy leaves!

This week we also have two new people to welcome to Room 3, and one person to welcome back! Monica-Jean joined us in Week 9 last term, and is pretty excited to be a big school girl, as well as Paskalle who started school this week. We also say a big welcome back to Oasis.

Hope you've all had a good week 1!

Mrs Hitchy and Room 3

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Looking at our bean seeds!

Cutting out our bean growing sequence!

Ordering our Bean Growing Sequence

Ordering our Bean Growing Sequence


  1. It is a beautiful time of the year to start growing all of these wonderful things. I look forward to seeing some photos of germination and plants in the garden. Miss O'B

  2. Room 3 you rock, and learning to love our mana whenua

  3. Love to see their writing Rach. Wonder what they's say if there were speech bubble for these pics.
