
Sunday 7 June 2015

Making butter!

This term we have been investigating and seeing how egg beaters work.
Last Friday we wanted to test out our hand egg beaters, and race them against the electric egg beaters.
To do this we decided to make butter. Room 3 had to work out where butter comes from...... funny how it comes from a cow! But we decided it didn't come out of the cow as butter.
Our butter began as milk. This was then left to set so that the cream set on top. The cream was gathered and put into a bottle- which Miss D'Ath purchased from the shop.

We made sure we had 2 iPads at the ready so that we could time each bowl of cream- the one that was being hand beat and the one that was being electrically beat.

And guess what! They took exactly the same amount of time to turn into butter!

We noticed that when it started to turn into butter the cream went all curdly and then water started to gather in the bottom of the bowl. This water was butter milk. Or whey- as in curds and whey.
We pressed our butter down in a bowl to get rid of all the butter milk.
Once we were certain we had pressed out most of the butter milk we put our butter into a dish and got out our bread. We each buttered our own piece of bread and added sprinkles to make fairy bread!

It tasted delicious! Just like butter that you buy from the shop!

Cream starting to curdle

The "whey" that came out of our butter.

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